Discover the Soothing Power of “Itch Relief” Essential Oil Blend Roll-on


Can you believe we’re already more than halfway through summer? As a nature enthusiast, I’ve been soaking up every moment of the great outdoors. But let’s face it, with the joys of summer come some uninvited guests – those tiny, buzzing creatures that leave us itching and scratching.


Here in Minnesota, we’re not just the land of 10,000 lakes (though between you and me, it’s closer to 20,000!). We’re also the unofficial kingdom of mosquitoes. In fact, there’s a running joke that the mosquito is our state bird. (For the record, it’s actually the Common Loon, but sometimes I wonder…)


As beautiful as our summers are, those black flies and mosquitoes can be relentless. And when they strike, oh boy, do those bites itch! It’s tempting to scratch but resist the urge! The more you scratch, the longer those bites stick around.


So, what’s an outdoor lover to do? Our aromatherapist, turned to nature’s goodness for a solution. We’ve crafted a special blend of essential oils that not only helps relieve that maddening itch but also cools the skin. It’s like a soothing whisper from Mother Nature herself, telling those bites to calm down and move along.


This blend harnesses the power of plants known for their anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Lavandin – a lavender hybrid, for instance, is a wonder for calming irritated skin. Tea tree oil brings its natural antiseptic qualities to the mix, while peppermint provides that delightful cooling sensation.


Remember, aromatherapy isn’t just about pleasant scents – it’s about utilizing the therapeutic properties of plants to enhance our wellbeing. In this case, we’re letting nature fight nature, using plant essences to combat the effects of those pesky insects.


So next time you’re planning a lakeside picnic or a twilight walk in the woods, don’t let the fear of bug bites hold you back. Arm yourself with the power of essential oils in our Itch Relief blend, and show those mosquitoes who’s boss. After all, summer is too short (especially here in Minnesota) to let a few bugs spoil the fun!


Stay cool, stay itch-free, and keep enjoying this beautiful season, my fellow nature lovers!Itch Relief roll-on


Note: This product has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended to treat or cure any disease. Results will vary from person to person. See a health care professional if the bite does not heal or appears infected. Test a small area of skin if you are sensitive to these ingredients. Do not use on children under the age of 2. For external use only. To avoid irritation, keep away from nose, mouth and eyes.